Jim and Pat Harrison
Founding Pastors
On January 23, 1983 Jim and Pat founded Faith Outreach Church. From that day until today they have endeavored to build a multi-cultural and multi-generation church. They felt called to plant a church that would teach the truth and excellence of God in a relevant way, transcending cultural, racial, and social barriers.

Michael and Heather Dillinger
Lead Pastors/Youth Pastors
Michael and Heather are our Lead Campus Pastors. They are energetic, dedicated Pastors who have a passion for reaching the community of Helena-West Helena. They have two children, Bethanie and Rylan who are currently involved on our Faith Worship Team.

Johnny and Janie Jones
Assistant Pastors
Members for more than 30 years, Johnny and Janie have served within the church faithfully in different areas for many years.